What You Eat Shows Up on Your Face: What to Pile on Your Plate, What to Skip When It Comes to Anti-Aging
You are what you eat. And what you eat will find its way into your skin and onto your face. So maintaining a healthy diet can actually be hugely beneficial for your physical health, both inside and out. As it turns out, some of the same “superfoods” that are great for your body are also great for your skin and can help to fight the signs of aging. On the other hand, there are other foods that can have the opposite effect and actually speed up the effects of aging. Here are some of the foods to pack on your plate and others to avoid when it comes to anti-aging.
Superfoods With Anti-Aging Properties
- Olive oil: Many people may already be familiar with the amazing health benefits of olive oil, which some experts have even dubbed “liquid gold.” Olive oil is just as great for your skin as it is for your overall health because it’s rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols, which can slow down the aging process by eliminating free radicals in your body. It can be applied topically to the skin, as olive oil won’t clog pores and can be used in conjunction with sea salt as a natural exfoliant. (Global Healing Center)
- Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate can be a superfood for the skin thanks to the flavonoids it contains. It’s been shown that the flavonoids in chocolate can absorb UV light, increase blood flow to the skin, and improve skin’s hydration and complexion. So the next time you feel like indulging in some dark chocolate, go right ahead–your skin will thank you. (Antioxidants and Redox Signaling)
- Wine: Yes, that’s right. Red wine can do wonders for your skin, if consumed in moderation, of course. The skin of the grapes used to make red wine contain resveratrol, which has long been touted for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties. In fact, resveratrol is often one of the main ingredients in many anti-aging skincare products. (WebMD)
- Blueberries: These powerful little berries are packed full of antioxidants and other compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage. Both of these symptoms can contribute to premature aging, so eating a healthy dose of these beneficial berries can help to combat signs of aging like lines, wrinkles, and discoloration of the skin. (Health Guidance)
Foods to Avoid to Preserve Your Skin
- Sugar: It’s no secret that eating lots of processed sugar isn’t great for your health. But not only can it result in a whole host of physical health problems, sugar intake can actually have unwanted effects on our skin, too. Research has shown that excess sugar creates a toxic environment in our bodies, which can then increase internal bacteria production, which can then lead to skin issues like acne and clogged pores. (Dermato Endocrinology)
- Dairy: Many experts agree that the problem with dairy may lie in the hormones that are fed to the vast majority of the dairy cows from which we get our milk. Those hormones are then transferred to our bodies when we consume dairy products, which can wreak havoc on our health. Dairy consumption has been linked to acne, excess estrogen, and inflammation, which spell disaster for the skin. (American Academy of Dermatology)
- Hydrogenated fats: Foods that contain hydrogenated fats are also very high in saturated oils, which eventually oxidize in the body. Because oxidation can damage cells and cause all sorts of skin and health problems, staying away from these foods can benefit your skin and overall health. (Mayo Clinic)
- Excess caffeine: While the occasional cup of coffee or other caffeine may be fine, consuming too much can actually speed up the aging process. Studies have shown that drinking 2 to 3 cups of caffeine can increase cortisol levels. Cortisol has been shown to thin the skin and cause other skin problems related to aging. (U.S. News)
The Bottom Line
When it comes to anti-aging, paying attention to the foods that you’re putting into your body can play a major role in preserving your skin and helping it look and feel young and fresh. The best part is that many of the foods that are great for your skin are also great for your overall health, so by choosing the right foods and drinks, the benefits can be twofold. Likewise, those foods that may accelerate the skin’s aging are generally also not very healthy for the rest of your body.
However, if established lines, wrinkles, sunspots, or age spots are a concern, there are also many medical spa treatments that can help to get your skin back in shape. At Acqua Blu Medical Spa in Pittsburgh, we offer a variety of anti-aging skin treatments. Many men and women find that microdermabrasion can be a very effective procedure that also requires little to no downtime afterwards. For more information about anti-aging skin treatments, contact Acqua Blu Medical Spa at (724) 933-1800.